Consultation on the 2022 revision of Practice Note 10

Consultation on the 2022 revision of Practice Note 10

Email addresses for consultation responses



Announcement of consultation

The Public Audit Forum (PAF) is consulting on the exposure draft for the 2022 revision of Practice Note 10: Audit of Financial Statements and Regularity of Public Sector Bodies in the United Kingdom (PN 10), which is expected to be issued in Autumn 2022.

PN 10 sets out how auditors of public sector bodies in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales apply auditing standards to their work on financial statements. The aim of the Practice Note is to support consistency in the application of auditing standards while also recognising the specific legislative and regulatory frameworks that apply to the audits of public sector bodies. PN 10 also provides guidance on the approach to the audit of regularity.

PN 10 was last revised in 2020 and there is a need to ensure the Practice Note is updated to take account of changes to International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and other developments in the auditing profession.

Details of the consultation and the specific questions on which comments are sought may be found in the Invitation to Comment document. The accompanying consultation draft has been approved by the Financial Reporting Council.

Comments from all interested parties are welcomed. The PAF particularly invites comments from those representing users of public sector financial statements. Consultation responses may be provided by email in either English or Welsh. All comments will be regarded as being on the public record and published on this website, unless otherwise requested.

Welsh language consultation documents

Welsh language versions of the above documents may be found here:

We welcome responses to be submitted in Welsh. │ Rydym yn croesawu ymatebion yn Gymraeg.

Consultation responses

Consultation responses received will be made available here within 10 working days of receipt.

The following consultation responses have been received: